Mekedaatu is located in the Kanakapura Taluk, which is around 90+ km from Bangalore and 4 km from Sangama. Sangama is the place where the rivers Kaveri and Arkaavathy merge. This place is famous and attracts a huge number of visitors. Mekedaatu is located downstream from Sangama.
Mekedaatu derives its name from a traditional story. It is said that a long time ago, a person traveling
through the forest saw a goat being chased by a tiger. Reaching a narrow gorge through which the Kaveri River flows out forcefully, the goat, in a desperate attempt to save itself, leaped across and reached safety on the other side. The tiger abandoned the chase. This led to this place being named Mekedaatu, which means a "Goat’s leap" in Kannada.
Route -> Bangalore - Kanakapura - Sangama - Mekedaatu
Mekedaatu can be reached by a 4 km trek from Sangama OR you can opt for buses/jeeps available there. (Try out bus-top-ride!)
No hotels are available at Mekedaatu, nearest ones are at Sangama.
If you are visiting the place during monsoon, also try to visit "Chunchi Falls", which is abt 20kms from Kanakapura. Along the road to Mekedaatu, after 15 km you wil find an Arch to the left, Chunchi falls is located at around 5 km from the arch.
P.S : In Mekedaatu, the water flows very fast through the gorge, gouging pits in the rocky riverbed. The climb down is steep and the rocks slippery, making it very dangerous to swim in the river. Drownings continue to occur here, although people have been warned about the danger by a small board and writing on rocks.
Route -> Bangalore - Kanakapura - Sangama - Mekedaatu
Mekedaatu can be reached by a 4 km trek from Sangama OR you can opt for buses/jeeps available there. (Try out bus-top-ride!)
No hotels are available at Mekedaatu, nearest ones are at Sangama.
If you are visiting the place during monsoon, also try to visit "Chunchi Falls", which is abt 20kms from Kanakapura. Along the road to Mekedaatu, after 15 km you wil find an Arch to the left, Chunchi falls is located at around 5 km from the arch.
P.S : In Mekedaatu, the water flows very fast through the gorge, gouging pits in the rocky riverbed. The climb down is steep and the rocks slippery, making it very dangerous to swim in the river. Drownings continue to occur here, although people have been warned about the danger by a small board and writing on rocks.
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